KTaO3 monocrystal substrate

KTaO₃ (Potassium Tantalate) monocrystal substrate is known for its high dielectric constant and excellent electro-optic properties, making it ideal for optical devices and millimeter-wave applications. It features low-loss dielectric properties and can be used in superconducting applications at low temperatures.

For inquiry, please give us the following information:

  1. Size with tolerance  (Diameter / Thickness )
  2. Orientation 
  3. Polishing Side (SSP or DSP )
  4. Quantity

Typical Properties

Crystal Structure Cubic Perovskite a=3.989Å
Growth Method Top seed flux growth
Density 7.015 g/cm3
Melt Point ~1500 °C
Hardness 6 (Mohn)
Thermal Expansion 10.4 x (10-6/°C)
Dielectric Constant ~300
Thermal conductivity 0.17w/m.k @ 300K
Refractive index 2.14
Sellenmeyer equation ho2 -1 =3.591l2 / (l2 –(0.193) 2)
(l in mm, from 0.4 – 1.06 mm)

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